Friday, 15th September 2017 in Weilburg
The Shopowner Missis Dao from DAO ASIASHOP in Weilburg founded her Asian Food Store in spring 2017. Her FoodShop offers a surprisingly diverse spectrum of original food products from Thailand for a small town as Weilburg. She manages the only Asian Foodshop in the Weilburg-Weilmünster-Weilrod area.
The Weilmünster Dog Training School "SITZ PLATZ FEIN" guided by Mrs. Susan Brenner starts it´s Saturdays convention meeting at Weilmünster Marketplace Fountain on 13th August 2016
Percussion members of the "Ramba-Samba-Elz" Musicband plays at the roadside to motivate the runners of the traditional yearly "APPLE-RUN" organized by the HEIL BREWERY
that leads the participants from Laubuscheaschach to Weilmünster and returnway over a distance of 10 kilometers.
Saleswoman at the mobile Marketshop of "Familie Hamm", an agricultural producer of Asparagus, Strawberry, Potatoes, Fruit Juice and Liqueurs from Weiterstadt (Hessen), offering her products at the Weilmünster shop dependance
at 20th June 2016
Weilmünster citizen, retrieving upgrown mosses from the joints of the pedestrian pavement patch with a special gardening tool on an ordinary saturdays morning
11th June 2016
Employee of Frankfurt Public Transport System welds old railway track apart to prepare the renewal of the track bed
Niederursel, 8th June 2016
Weilmünster citizen, refreshing the white colour of his garden fence on a Saturday morning
Two members of a railway conservation construction team repair a stone drill for exploratory drilling
to insert press anchors inside the wall of the Weilburg Railway Bike Tunnel
to insert press anchors inside the wall of the Weilburg Railway Bike Tunnel
The CHEF DE CUISINE of the mobile Fresh Fried Chicken Restaurant of GAUMENSCHMAUS, that evrey Wednesday opens it´s store in Weilmuenster in front of the ROSSMANN Drugstore, presents proudly the prepared content of the today 2nd September lunch menue.
Artist from Weilmünster, decorating her roadside housewall with an extense Lizard´s Mosaique
Member of Crew of The DÖNER-BOAT - an swimming Turkish Food Speciality Restaurant anchored at Frankfurt Main Schaumainkai in Sachsenhausen - cleaning the boads windows for "make purely ship". For Reservations : info@meral-event.de 0049-162-43-53-304
During the Street Food Festival hold at Frankfurt Zeil Hauptwache from 31. July until 2. August 2015 a memeber of the Maria Maria Arepa team prepares delicious original latinamerican pancakes. Contact: Maria Maria Arepas
Street-Action-Crew of members of the Clown-Medic-Assotiation (www.clown-doktoren.de) that promotes the concept of HEALING BY LAUGHTER make spring a young german-asian woman on a hospital bed exposed to the public at Frankfurt Konstablerwache during the 2015-07-20 Frankfurt promotion camapingn day.
The owner of the Weilmünster Mobile Mini-Car Pretzel Delivery Service "BREZEL FLITZER" baking fresh Prezels during the local Reservists-Comradeship Celebration at 16th July 2015. Contact: 06471-41550. See also: http://www.actual-photobase-2015.blogspot.com
Train-Driveress from Frankfurt RHEIN-MAIN Public Transport Traffic Network RMV finishs a 5 minute rest to start for her next drive with U 3 Underground Railway at Oberursel-Hohemark Terminal Station
Having continued the royal visitors from London, Prince Phillip and Queen Elizabeth, their journey through Germany after taking a dinner in Frankfurt Roemer accompanied by the state, departamental and town authorities at 25th June 2015, the event organization team starts to reconstruct the public space area at Frankfurt Roemerberg, unmounting the separation fences and decorations under control of the remaining public.
See also: http://www.actual-photobase.blogspot.com
The HOCHTAUNUS NATURE RESERVE - Ranger Hannu Sieber, using an sunlight-reflection-panel to brighten up the shadow areas of an Digitalis purpurea - flower teaching by that way the application of photographical help equipment to the participants of an Photographic Nature Excursion hold by him and the Weilmünster "Verkehrs- & Verschönerungs-Verein" V&VVW inside the Wiesbach-Valley at 14th June 2015
Rebecca Hemberger, student of the Faculty of Biology of the Frankfurt Goethe University, supervising her experimental test setup for field investigations with honey-bees to study the supposed effects of Neonicotinoids on orientation, memory and feeding behaviour with bees trained with colour markers inside an artificial labyrinth. See also: http://www.visitas-fotograficas-2015.blogspot.com and http://actual-photobase-2015.blogspot.de/
Member of the OBI Construction Market Delivery Team directing an Truck-based crane for unloading of bitumen roofing felt webs to repair the CID Institute house roof in Weilmuenster
Missis Billi from the Natural Clothing Producer and Distributer JUNGLETRIP at her stand on the Frankfurt Christmas Market offering handmade woolen textile products made in NEPAL, where she also lives and works during the summer month of each year.
The corean painteress SOO KYOUNG LEE during the opening Vernissage of her actual painting Exposition at GALERIE UHN in Königstein near Frankfurt, discussing her work with an visitor.
The Landscape Architect Robert Anton, actual director for the maintainance of the Frankfurt Goethe Universtity Scientific Garden, Greenhouses, Park & Garden Areas at Campus Riedberg, Westend, Bockenheim and Ginnheim Sport Center during a presentation of the new University Greenhouse for teaching purposes built up during the summer month of 2014
Employee of the LINDE AG during the delivery of liquid nitrogene gas cooled to -200 degrees Celsius to the cryo-gas-storage tanque of an natural sience Institute at Frankfurt Goethe University
Employees of the Weilburg Palace Garden transplant self-grown seedlings from their greenhouse into single planting pots to transfer the new autumn plants into the Palace Garden.
Members of the "Jehovas Witnesses Church" distribute their former printed information leaflet "The Watchtower" now on Tablet-PC to the Weilmuenster Village Population on a sunny July-Saturday on it´s Town Market Place Square.
The official "Captain" of the human power driven Weilburg Lahn River Ferryboat ROLLSCHIFF (Rolling Ship). The ROLFSCHIFF brings passengers from the town riverside bank towards the mountain hiker passwalk along the HAUSELEY ROCK and also returns them to the town side every festival day, saturday and sunday during summer month.
The model craftsman Willibald Bühler during the presentation of his self-constructed reproduction of the historic steel structure of the former BALDUINSTEIN Lahn-River-Bridge that was blown up at the end of World War II by german pioneers, besides a variety of other historic replicas constructed by hm.
Member of the Aerobatic Team SOLOTÜRK adjusting a Flare-Launcher
in preparation for an aerobatic performance during Berlin International Airshow ILA 2014.
in preparation for an aerobatic performance during Berlin International Airshow ILA 2014.
Street Musician playing a serenade besides two young indigenous woman from Corea sitting on the Frankfurt Main Bridge EISERNER STEG
The owner of the Weilmuenster Papery-Store SCHREIBWAREN HIRSCHHÄUSER, Stephan Weil, poses for a publicity photographeress from the regional dayly newspaper WEILBURGER TAGEBLATT in his shop at 10th October 2013
The Chimney Sweeper Trainee from Weilmünster District starting the brushing of an house chimney as part of the yearly house heating systems carbon dioxide emissions survey at 16th September 2013 at Foto CID and CID Investigation Headquarter at Weilmünster.
The Crew of the new TRADITIONAL DARUNEE SANGNUM Health Massage Studio during the opening event hold at 14th August 2013 at Weilmünster http://www.sangnum-massage.de
The Prime Minister of the German State of Hessen, VOLKER BOUFFIER accompanied by his spouse URSULA BOUFFIER visit the Feldberg Mountain Peak during an political event of the 2013 departamental electoral campaign at 11th August 2013.
Member of Westhessen Police is protecting an engraved personalized identification number to register a bicycle of a female member of local asian comunity at a special service station for bikers during the Weil Valley Bikeway Sunday at Weilmuenster at 4th August 2013
Streetdance-Crew of young black people during their performance at Frankfurt Zeil Blockupy Movement Activities at 31st May 2013
Artcraft Artist from France produces and offers tin ashtreys made instantly from limonade-tins at Frankfurt Zeil
The Weilmuenster Buergermeister MANFRED HEEP and ORHAN KAYA distribute the jubilee-cake during the festivities of 5 year foundation of KAYA grocery store in that town at Saturday, 18th May 2013
Members of the choir of the University of Santo Tomas Singers (USTS) from Manila Phillippines during their presentation at Weilmünster Catholic Church at 11th May 2013
CHRISTOPH FERTICH and YI YUAN (in the background) from Weilburg YOUTH MUSIC SCHOOL accompany as solo-piano-players with excerpts of MODEST MUSSORGSKI´s Pictures of an Exposition the Opening Event Vernissage for the 2012 Summer Art Weeks "Weilburg Streets of Art" in the municipal "Kommödienbau"-Hall at 30iest May of 2012
Young german woman learns to practize metal workshop techniques at a stand of the Wetzlar Buderus Iron Foundry Company at 2012 Hessentag in Wetzlar at 7th June 2012
Visitors of Hessentag 2012 at Wetzlar appreciating a new computer-based binocular microscope image presentation technique of small objects on a circular turntable at the stand of Wetzlar Ernst Leitz Optical Products Company at 7th June 2012. (See also: http://www.leica.de)
The diplomated beverage technologist Christof Heil from the Weilmuenster-Laubuseschbach HEIL Fruit-Juice-Press Company guides a group of visitors from The Nassau Association for Natural History through the fresh pressed fruit juice storage hall of his company at 1st of October 2011

Member of German Police during a bike-transit-safety-training of young
scholars of the Weilmünster Elementary School at First Day of Spring
2012 (See also: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lilu-multipaze/6999640297/)
Employees of the Weilmuenster `Ulrich Weil` Roofer Company mounting the new waether fane on the top of the newly renewed Ernsthausen protestant church building at 6th September 2011
Julija Glebova, interpreter of Popular Classic Music played on cymbal, during an open air stage at Frankfurt Main Liebfrauenberg pedestrian precinct
Member of the Latin American Indian Folk Music and Dance Group `AMANKY ALKHAMARY` presenting an Music CD of their group during their open air stage at Oberursel Hessentag Festivities in June 2011. Contact to AMANKY ALKHAMARY.
The parcel handing over at Weilmuenster Post Office for the delivery of an ceramic teapot to an artcraft customer from Sacramento - California / United States of America as first international and overseas delivery parcel of the Ceramic Atelier RIVERSTONES since it`s establishment in that Taunus Mountainside Village 9 years ago in june 2002.
Young soldier, member of German Air Force, explaining function and tasks of an co-pilots cockpit working place in an TORNADO fighting plane to an visitor of Oberursel Hessentag

Young woman, employee of an Car Wash Station, demonstrating the application of an modern high-pressure water-spray tool.

Magician, employee of the Wiesbaden childrens festivity organizer `ROLLS-TOYS` demonstrates the handling of the `Giant Soap-Bubble` - tool during the 100 anniversary of the foundation of the Weilmuenster `Schaefer Road Construction` - Enterprise
The owner and manager of `Flamms World` Art Deco and Present Shop, Mrs. Andrea Flamm, presenting a `KITSCHY KATZ` from that new ceramic sculpture cat series label in her shop at Weilmuenster-Wolfenhausen as first representative for these products in Germany and promoting the construction of an European distribution web for `Kitschy Katz` products.
Tree-Controlleress, registering the state of health and growth condition of park trees during an complete survey of tree population of the Weilburg Palace Garden for the avoidance of accidents or desasters due to downbreaking branches or stems during spring and autumn storms in January 2011.
Employee of an Environmental Investigation Offices applying an special tool to drill standardized soil excavations for the establishment of `Barber-Traps` to examine the carabide beetle species spectrum of an meadow in the margin of the collection of nature conservation parameters related to Weilmuenster municipal plannings for the construction of an new belt-way for intramunicipal transit.

Member of the Weilmuenster Gymnastics Club attending an participant of the 2010 18th March Weiltal Bikeway Marathon from Red Cross Heights to Weilburg with fresh water supply.

Violinist accompanying the Bach Choir of Bad Homburg Salvations Church during 2010 St. John`s Gospel Presentation

Land Survey Engineeress managing an mobile, digital reference point mapping instrument to register and map construction and landscape characteristics as calculation basis for the new constructed Weilmuenster central Supermarket township.
The Mongolian Folklore Musician SARA SARANGEREL TSEREVSAMBA playing traditional stringed and Percussion instruments with Dschingis Khan in the Background during 2009 Freienfels Castle Festival. Listen to her amazing voice in TALIN SALHI / ZAZAL by EGSHIGLEN FOLKLORE GROUP
Musicians of the folk music group EGSCHIGLEN from Mongolia during the 2009 Freienfels Castle Festival.

The German Chancelor Mrs. Angela Merkel during the opening event of Frankfurt International Book Fair at 13th of October 2009
Voter and Polling Officers during 2009 parliamentary elections at September 27th in one of Weilmuenster Polling Stations
Bee-Keeper supervising the development of his bee hive and the advance of construction of queen bee breeding chambers in the surroundings of the village of Weilmuenster

Haircutteress, attending client from local Asia community at open-air-hair-styling-saloon during Weilmuenster Peasants Market Fair at 10th of September 2006

Young woman from Asia arranging a flower for the exposition at her market stand at Frankfurt Hauptwache during an International Trade Fair in June 2009

Filigree - Goldsmith of the artcraft workshop "EL TESORO ESCONDIDO" at Bluefields, Nicaraguan Atlantic Coast, at her improvized working place after the workshop installations had been overturned by the winds of the Hurricane "JOAN" during October of 1988.
Photography: Dr. Phil Sol Montoya Bonilla / Foto CID
photography series composed by the Independent Internet Image Agency
Foto CID, the Visual Communication Branch of CID Institute. The image
series forms part of the Proyect „Photographic Escort of the
Contemporary Intercultural Growing Together in Germany“. It
provides space for the presentation of new regional comercial
initiatives and uncommon, odd, curious or illustrious professional
activities or hobbies with the purpose to strengthen, support and
promote independent occupations and their settlement in the Taunus
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